
When are U going to bring out a next part on the prettyboiballo story


    Hi yall....umm I just got a new phone and I can't log into my wattpad pls follow my new account which is @Cbreezo


    Can yall help me get with this one boy pls❤️❤️hes on instagram


    One year relationship down the


    this message may be offensive
    I feel like distancing myself from everyone cause everyone i hang around is always a problem with my iv known my uncle for my whole life and now they have a problem with it....????....Because "YoUr GeTtInG OlDeR" (your getting older).....Bitch just because i have boobies and ass doesnt mean i have to stay away from people im really close to....i cant even have they say i can have friends but when i get friends, i cant even hang out with them.....BITCH THATS ONE OF THE REASONS I TRIED KILLING MYSELF....Like can i have a normal life like other kids?...Can i get out the house and hang with friends? always getting bullied like wtf...No wonder i want to move out this toxic house early/ at an early age
    Omg im so sorry for this long paragragh yall lol..
    just want to know if im the problem in this situation❤️↗️⬅️⬅️♀️


    Hey yall, can I ask a question...
    Do you think I need to make things right with my exfriend?