
this message may be offensive
Hey guys, I am sorry if any of you saw those messages on my page. See what had happened, I wrote a story titled 30 Days of Rehab (which is apparently garbage) and I have come to discover a lot of similarities with another book also titled 30 Days in Rehab, when I reached out to the author she got very "mean" very quick, which is understandable. I wasn't trying to accuse her of copyright, but I wanted Wattpad to at least see the similarities. That's all. She has then had 2 friends comment on my wall and all of my writing leaving nasty messages. It got a little personal when one of them insulted my name and left nasty messages on poems I have written for my deceased aunt and my husband. I am still struggling with my aunts death so to see the word garbage under that poem, hits me hard. Guys, I am most likely deleting wattpad. You can insult my name, my looks, or anything about me, but when I hear my writing is "shit" and "garbage" it upsets me and I just no longer want to write. I never want to be thought of as that and it seems like now I have. I did work hard on 30 Days in Rehab though.......thanks for everything guys.


this message may be offensive
Hey guys, I am sorry if any of you saw those messages on my page. See what had happened, I wrote a story titled 30 Days of Rehab (which is apparently garbage) and I have come to discover a lot of similarities with another book also titled 30 Days in Rehab, when I reached out to the author she got very "mean" very quick, which is understandable. I wasn't trying to accuse her of copyright, but I wanted Wattpad to at least see the similarities. That's all. She has then had 2 friends comment on my wall and all of my writing leaving nasty messages. It got a little personal when one of them insulted my name and left nasty messages on poems I have written for my deceased aunt and my husband. I am still struggling with my aunts death so to see the word garbage under that poem, hits me hard. Guys, I am most likely deleting wattpad. You can insult my name, my looks, or anything about me, but when I hear my writing is "shit" and "garbage" it upsets me and I just no longer want to write. I never want to be thought of as that and it seems like now I have. I did work hard on 30 Days in Rehab though.......thanks for everything guys.


Hey guys, just wanted to let you guys know, the first part of From The Heart Slam Poetry has been titled and completed. Please, check out HOLD ME. <3 I really think some of you will like it. I also just wanted to inform everyone that I will be RECREATING 30 DAYS IN REHAB! The story will become longer and more detailed. Due to the pricing of publication, I have to change the contest up for logical purposes. For the first 25 followers on my new YouTube channel (whose name will be going up later) you will receive a FREE COPY of 30 Days in Rehab (The revised edition or the wattpad edition, please specify.) Thanks guys <3 I will notify everyone when the youtube channel is up and running :)


Just wanted to send a personal shout out to all my followers on here :)  wanted to take some time to say thank you. You all stuck by my side when I was in a very dark time, but you never left. I appreciate that more than anything. I started a slam poetry book, please take a look at it. I will be holding contests and give aways very very soon! I will also be creating a youtube channel which will be where the give aways will be held. :) The first contest is for the first 100 followers on the youtube page when it is made.  I will make a video with a shout out and personal message for the first 100 followers. (Most likely will be parted into 2 videos, 50 on each.) The first 100 followers will also receive a FREE COPY of From The Heart Slam Poetry once it gets published. :) signed as well :) Thanks again for all the support and I will let you know when it goes up. Please, send me to your friends for support, the more followers the better the contest! :) thank you guys so much :)


Hey, everyone. Sorry it has been a while, but I am back to writing and I feel very confident that this book will be a good one and one you want to read! Please, take a look and let me know what you think. 
          THE BOOK BY: ADDISON GRAVES written by Colleen Gagliardi, is about a girl who committed a brutal suicide and wants to haunt the ones who did this to her, by exposing secrets and things the did to her. In the end, Addison makes the call to sacrifice the biggest secret of them all.


I apologize to my followers..i was in a car accident Saturday and just haven't been myself. When I can get my groove back. I will write more. Please bare with me..thanks love you guys. ♡♡♡♡♡


@colledoll1229  feel better sweetheart ♡♡♡ if you ever wanna chat feel free to message me anytime 


@colledoll1229 Going through the same thing here. Broke my ankle walking my dogs.