
/cb, trying to be more active whoohoo


“Oh come on, if I can’t have alcohol. Can’t I at least have some sort of drink? I’m not asking for much here, dude.”


Jokes on you, I like coke anyways. It’s good { he stated taking the soda from him before drinking it.} 


            yeah, sure ( he said with a hint of sarcasm as he prepared his drink ) here, a little soda for our little boy. hope you like coke.


I need to ask you a strange question and it requires an honest answer.   Okay,  are you ready?   ...   Look,  I've been thinkin' about something lately    -    would you be down to give big ol' patrick a bj?     


            ( he groaned in frustration, pinching his nose ) we have had this conversation a few times already, Patrick! I'm not doing that, ya gotta stop asking me... but you know Greg, from the bar ( he smiled mischievously remembering what he had heard from his co workers) there's a rumor going around that he has a thing for you. and I'm sure he would gladly help you. ( he leaned closely to his boss glancing at his crotch suggestivly ) you probably know what I mean by that.


are you done yet ?  i’ve got a bit of an idea . 


yeah ?  guess we're more similar than i initially thought . [  as they continued to talk she was finding hugo to be rather interesting to talk with. speaking with him felt natural, almost exciting even. it felt as if she was waiting with the utmost intrigue of what he would say next. ]  i haven't forgotten either ,  you just usually aren't alone .  i wouldn't want other people seeing what i only want you to see.  y'know ?  [ even if her tone was beyond teasing ,  there was still some truth . even if all they did was typically bicker ,  she was still growing comfortable around him - which did frighten her a little.  ]  if you could do anything in the world ,  anything , money doesn't exist ,  what would you do ?  [ in a newspaper a while back luciana found a list of questions designed to get to know someone better. now she thought was the perfect time to use it . ]


            oh, I love visual learners, I'm one myself. ( he gave her a suggestive smile gently nudging her with his shoulder, not missing how she glanced at his lips) yeah, you're right, well , too bad i'm addicted ( he stated carelessly as he lit his cigarette) I'm still waiting for the day you show me your little outfit, don't think I have forgotten. ( he somewhat purposely brought that up, something that superficial, he did want to know more about her, in fact he has been thinking about what to ask her all night to get to know her better. but he did have some trouble opening up to people.he was good at talking to people to get by, situations that could be controlled, and dominated , but he was a helpless man as soon as he lost that said control. )


no ,  no .  hugo davis flows nicely . [  quickly she would correct him , and yet she was speaking the truth . she said the name over a few times in her mind , each time she enjoyed how it sounded. his words earned another joking eyeroll from her , followed by a quiet chuckle . ]  obviously i want to know .  educate me ,  except i'm a visual learner . [  a smirk would tug on her lips as she briefly noticed his gaze on her lips which only prompted her to glance at his own . ]  shut up . [  with those words she would pull her eyes off of his lips , soon shaking her head.]  not anymore ,   i heard it's bad for you .


“Hey- it’s my first day. No teasing.”


Carmon listened carefully and nodded, looking at the drinks and then back at him. “Thank you.. really.”


            six, yeah. ( as he said his nephews age he knew how ridiculous it was to compare her to him) okay, let me help you, you need to not be so stiff, do every first drink by the book and for the next one pretend to be under pressure, so you'll get a /feeling/ ( he hoped that his advice was useful, although from the pained expression on his face he knew what he wanted to say was harder then he thought ) got it ?


“Let me guess.. you’re nephew is five?” Carmon cocked an eyebrow up as she cleaned up the spilled drink.


/hi im back, after a looong time .. hehe. so excited !!!!
          cb and specify :)


/ youre so sweet omfg got so excited seeing this call


@loveyoutoomuch-  / missed u too, I was thinking about u as soon as I got on this acc !


/   curious 