
this message may be offensive
Who else has an older brother that you want to punch in the face because he treats his mother like shit?


Thank you for vote my story love youuuu!!!Please keep doing your story alsooo i like it


@cneff14 lorianna and her tormentor!I like the main character..loriii>_<


@Shiro_ruu your welcome. Which story are you reading of mine?


I need help. I'm supposed to be writing a short story about how texting and driving is bad and can be used as a type of protest, but I'd on know what or how to write a story about protesting about texting and driving. PLEASE HELP ME.


@cneff14 okay so this might be a horrible idea.. but if it was me... this is what i would do:  idk how long its supposed to be/might have to alter:  
            start it off with a really sad scene... someones funeral/or a group of people morning someone else... then, you could do the person that caused the accident.. what their day had been like.. the mood, the driving trip... then you could really build on the fact of what they were thinking, then why they pulled out the pone... then perhaps they looked down to unlock their phone then when looking up noticed how close something got... make it give the driver a fright... then perhaps do it again to open the contacts number... again could give shock with how close something got.. but keep the motivation there... they are determined to text whatever it is.. perhaps it is a break up text, and apology or something else.. idk!  then in agonisingly slow motion play out the final text, the realisation that they are going to crash, then the crash itself.. the aftermath only if you like/ or just the realisation that they wounded or killed someone.... gruesome perhaps.. dont know what you think but hope it helps with inspiration! :D all the best