


merry christmas everyone . hope everyone has a nice day with family or friends !
          even if u don’t celebrate , have a nice holiday off and relax and enjoy yourself :D


@turtely ofc how could i decline! *hugs*


i really need to let off some steam here.
          the most perfect, angelic, amazing, handsome, breath-taking man died today 31 years ago and no words describe how much i miss him.
          hes gorgeous. actually beautiful, the words 'pretty' and 'beautiful' are feminised words to describe mainly the female gender but no words describe the beauty of this man. he can have long hair, short hair, a moustache, a beard, dress up like a woman AND STILL LOOK ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. hes a literal angel and sings like one too.
          his. singing. hes amazing. his vocal range *chefs kiss*. he was born with 4 extra teeth that overcrowded his mouth and over time his front teeth were pushed forward. he was so insecure about this, always covering his mouth when he laughed or smiled in interviews AND IT MAKES ME SO SAD. BECAUSE HE WAS SO PERFECT. his voice is a gift from god quite frankly, a blessing to anyone's ears who has the privilege to hear him sing. i'd sell my soul to hear him in person. 
          hes such a lovely kind man as well. he has an adoration for cats and owned 10 cats. i didnt actually know this until when i looked up how many cats he had AND WHEN I TELL U MY HEART /MELTED/: "his cats were his family, he made sure each and every one had his or her own Christmas stocking filled with treats and toys." THIS MAN IS PERFECT! 
          you're in a better place now tho freddie, and everyone hopes you're doing well up there. your band members and fans miss you terribly and love you so ❤️❤️
          r.i.p freds, love you beyond words ️


@clqmshqll i am late but this was beautiful <3 we loe you fred


@PurplePoison8761 haha so sorry about that lol, just was in one of those moods ig..? i just miss him so much, he was an amazing person and his music has really helped me this year...i love you too, good luck darling and stay strong! :DD
            (you're so sweet, have i ever told you so???)


woah beautiful speech.
            RIP Freddie


“what’s the sexiest part of the car Rog?”


the piston is pretty pumped, the hubcaps all gleam, it’s got a loud gear, with my hand on the grease gun it’s a like disease, got a feel from the automobile, gripping on the boy racer roll bar and it’s such an absolute thrill when it’s radials squeal.


thanks so much for giving me the honor to be the first person you follow! i love you! want a cookie?


your so welcome it was a delight to read your story, im going to take a break from it now but come back later


@clqmshqll aayyyy thanks so much for all your comments!!!


thank you for the cookie :3 x