
Right so I’m really bored lately and I have some time on my hands here and there. So I was thinking that I could do a George Harrison/Beatles oneshot book? Whatcha think, let me know :) I could also do some requests maybe..? 


Right so I’m really bored lately and I have some time on my hands here and there. So I was thinking that I could do a George Harrison/Beatles oneshot book? Whatcha think, let me know :) I could also do some requests maybe..? 


I’m. Going. To. See. Queen. 


@oxytree- oh my days I didn’t see this but it was meant to be in June and now it’s next year but at least I’m still going 

cloud9nine9 is anybody really wanting me to carry on with the new book? I’ve got tonnes of ideas but I just don’t know when or how to get them down in so little time I have. If people are desperate to read it, I’ll make it work. Just please let me know if you want me to or not. Thanks, have a lovely day/night xx