
Hey guys...I'm not sure if anyone even remembers my story or likes it because I know I almost never update and that's because I honestly don't think it's any good BUT! I see how bunches of you guys love it! So I'm gonna force myself to continue! I want to let you guys know that I'll post a lot more if you guys sent me some support! It will definitely give me the motivation I need to get my lazy butt up and write! You guys are the best ❤


@claude_robinhood please continue the book


@claude_robinhood please  please continue writing I really enjoyed the story you left it on a huge Cliffhanger that would really love to read more if you read this please continue I really enjoy your story.


@claude_robinhood btw your taco story made me laugh so hard


Hey guys...I'm not sure if anyone even remembers my story or likes it because I know I almost never update and that's because I honestly don't think it's any good BUT! I see how bunches of you guys love it! So I'm gonna force myself to continue! I want to let you guys know that I'll post a lot more if you guys sent me some support! It will definitely give me the motivation I need to get my lazy butt up and write! You guys are the best ❤


@claude_robinhood please continue the book


@claude_robinhood please  please continue writing I really enjoyed the story you left it on a huge Cliffhanger that would really love to read more if you read this please continue I really enjoy your story.


@claude_robinhood btw your taco story made me laugh so hard


hey guys.....PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ don't kill me!!! *hides behind table* I know that I haven't updated in months and all of you are REALLY angry at me *sweatdrop* but honestly I just haven't had the willpower to wright but I think that I have it now so I'll try my best to put out some updates! THE WAFFLES MUST RETURN!!!!!!


@claude_robinhood I would also love to read more of your books.  It'd be awesome if you updated! But I am not mad, just sad that I can't read it! You're a great writer.