
Hello, It has probably been maybe 2 years or so since the last I used this platform and I apologized for not finishing any of my works. I'm now heading off to college soon and am grateful for the support I gained during time when I was active here. I now plan to pursue my dreams for the future. To stay updated on me, my Instagram is Anahimtapia . Thank you for all those who supported and liked my works from when I was younger.


Hello, It has probably been maybe 2 years or so since the last I used this platform and I apologized for not finishing any of my works. I'm now heading off to college soon and am grateful for the support I gained during time when I was active here. I now plan to pursue my dreams for the future. To stay updated on me, my Instagram is Anahimtapia . Thank you for all those who supported and liked my works from when I was younger.


I can’t believe it’s been almost a year since I last be on here. So much as happened in my life and I’m surprised at how much Wattpad has changed along with the Watty community. To begin, I’ve had many personal issues I had to go through and am still going through. I went abroad for a bit to study and to collect myself more. I’ve gained more memories both good and bad. I’ve lost and gained people. I’ve gained more experience in life and am trying to understand and learn more of myself, more and more each day. 
          -A. M. 


Hey, im a big fan of your work. I noticed that one of your short stories  (the one based on little red riding hood) sounds extremely similar to a book i read before. So i was wondering if it was based on that. Also, i have been looking for that original book for days now ans i can't seem to find it on wattpad as i forgot the title of the book. So i was eondering if you could help me out a little bit and tell me if you know the book im talking about or something similar? In the book, the male lead is called wolf  and the girl always wears a red hoodie. But if not and i just assumed wrong then i am very sorry. But thanks anyways. Keep up the great work!


Thank you for showing interest in my works and I'm glad you liked my short story. Unfortunately my short story is not based on anyone else's works except for the actual fairytale but in my own twist and ideas. Also I unfortunately don't know of which book you are talking about. Thank you for the feedback and I will keep trying my best.


Thank you for showing interest in my works and I'm glad you liked my short story. Unfortunately my short story is not based on anyone else's works except for the actual fairytale but in my own twist and ideas. Also I unfortunately don't know of which book you are talking about. Thank you for the feedback and I will keep trying my best.


I am proud to say that I am working on some new stories and new chapters! Let me just add some "mythical" creatures and a little bit of magic to the teen fiction I'm currently working on! Can't wait to show you all soon my upcoming works!


A quick warning for the next chappie of "Mr.Arrogant Next Door"... Extreme cuteness is coming, secrets will be revealed, and a possible kiss or connection?! ;) You all will just have to wait and see! It will be ready maybe in a day or 2:) Stay awesomely nerdy/geeky :p


I saw 5SOS live last night at around this time with Hey Violet and One Ok Rock! It is one of the bet nights of my life since it was the first time I saw them *insert my ugly crying* They sounded like angels!!!! And oh em'geee!! Luke, Calum, Michael, and Ashton are the best band ever!!! Such amazing talent, beautiful singing, and such nice looking faces!! 


"Why are you doing this?" I asked is despair and try to ease my pain from the one he was putting me through this current moment.
          "Because you left me when I really needed someone to be there, and you said that you would love until the end." He screamed at me as he threw a bottle across the cold room.
          "I did love you, but you changed and there was nothing I could do about," I said as tears started to make their way out of my eyes.  "I tried and tried but you became into something else..."
          "Into what exactly?" He urges me on. 
          "Into what exactly!" He yells at me as he comes closer to me.
          "A monster..."


Nope. This is a sneak peek from one of my already stories 