
@KingRusset As if! The only time I will ever be 'good' with men if when pigs can fly and teleport while riding a cow that can lick it's knee!
          	Back to the things that matter, like OP :P If you could have a devil fruit power, which one would it be? I'm not to familar with the different types, but I would definitely want one like Choppers, I can't remember the name of that type though :/


@clamity78 Hello again! Sorry for dropping out on you for a while. As always, I can't guarantee my activity, but since you're one of the six people I'm following, I might as well say hi every now and 11 months. And you're kinda fun, so you've got that going for you as well. 
          You'll be good with men when pigs fly? Well, we already had swine flu, so I'd say you're fine ;) And as for the cow, I can lick my own knee and I'm fat enough to qualify as a cow. So there. How's your situation with everything these days, seeing as it's been 11 months since I dropped by? Not just with the men, just everything, any juicy gossip or boyfriend and so on! 
          As for Chopper's, he had a Zoan type, the Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Human. So, he's still able to talk to animals, but he became intelligent and badass. If I had a devil fruit, I assume that I wouldn't really need a fruit for fighting, so nothing like Akainu's and so on. Honestly, though I utterly despise the man, something like Caesar Clown's fruit would be awesome. If you don't remember, he's the guy with the Gas-Gas Fruit who SHOULD be invincible, but somehow isn't. If you don't remember him: SHRURURUURURUUUUU. There, now you do! :D
          :D KR D:


Feel free to send me an inbox instead, it might be easier to know when one of us replied to the other


Wow it's been so long since we talked last. I figured you forgot about me entirely, knowing that you didn't made me so happy! Recently I was asked out on a date and we went and watched How To Train Your Dragon 2 (Absolutely fabulous and splendid and brilliant in every way possible). It was fun, but it didn't work out between us. We are both way too awkward for each other which kind of stinks :/ Other than that, my best friend is moving to Alberta which is a three day drive from where I live. I just saw her today for the last time before she leaves so that also stinks. 
            On the good side of life, I have one exam left on Monday and then I'm done for the summer!!! So exciting because I can sleep and relax and hopefully work on my story. I am also visiting PEI again this summer so I will update you if I happen to run into Gilbert again :P
            As for One Piece, the bad guys can always be defeated. If they were invincible then it would be too much like reality and no one wants to read a story where the good guys never win. Even in stories where the bad guy wins, they always make the bad guy out to be the good guy in the end. I think it needs to be like that because when people read stories it's to get away from reality and allows them to imagine a world where things always turn out for the better. 
            On another note, I just came across this awesome new tv series, it's called Pushing Daisies. It only has 2 seasons and I'm only on season 1, but so far it's pretty awesome. Seeing as it's almost impossible to find a good place to watch the episodes, here is the post on my tumblr that has all the links and such.
            P.S. Do you know/watch RoosterTeeth/Achievement Hunter?


@KingRusset As if! The only time I will ever be 'good' with men if when pigs can fly and teleport while riding a cow that can lick it's knee!
          Back to the things that matter, like OP :P If you could have a devil fruit power, which one would it be? I'm not to familar with the different types, but I would definitely want one like Choppers, I can't remember the name of that type though :/


@clamity78 You're getting pretty good with the men? More like the men are getting pretty good with you :3 Dang! Riding a unicycle while playing the violin. I can't do either of those things. Kudos to those guys XD Gilbert sounds like a verifiable boss. -boy perspective-
          Weirdest OP character. The weirdest OP character I know of is Guy in a Box. Remember, the tiny guy living in a treasure chest that Buggy meets during his whole escapade without a torso? That guy was creepy XD A close second are the stuffed animal zombies on Moria's Island, as a whole. And third, but not least, are the weirdo animal bodyguards in Impel Down. 
          Weirdest Devil Fruit would go to Moria, Mr. Shadow-Zombies-Are-My-Friends. Or Okama, but he can't grow to 3000 times his size and make zombies. xD 
          P.S. Keep it going with those guys, matey. Keep doing you, as the bros say.


So we went to Avonlea today, the town where Anne of Green Gables was placed.
          So at the beginning of the day Sheena nicely told Gilbert (an actor) that I had a crush on him. His reply was that he had that effect on all the ladies.
          Later on in the day I bought some chips, sat down and while I was thinking how ironic it would be if Gilbert was next to me, he turned around the corner with a FIDDLE!
          For the next half hour he sat next to me serenading me with the fiddle. NOT ONLY THAT FOLKS!! He then thought up different places to play it, under his leg, like a cello, and behind his head.
          Just when I thought he was going to leave he came up with the idea to play it while riding a UNICYCLE!! So the next 10 minutes consisted of him playing it for me on the unicycle.
          At the end of the day just after the pig races, Charlie (another actor) came up to me, asked me a question while calling me TOOTS!! And then Gilbert who just so happened to be there again, started flirting with me again.
          On the way home my friend would not shut up about how HOT Gilbert was. I would say I'm getting pretty good with the men :P


Mhmm the weirdest would have to be Okama. He/she gives me the creeps, although I love the fact that Sanji landed on his island! xD
          Yeah I loved Vivi and her birds, they were so awesome! My favourite perverted character is Brook most definitely. (By far my favourite one piece meme
          Let's be honest here for a second... Chopper is a raindeer through and through. It would be like the Dothraki from GoT. At least change it to Sanji or something, but we all know Sanji could never get that close to the ladies without dying of blood loss


@clamity78 I don't care if it takes a while to reply, it's not like you should check wattpad even every week XD 
          Franky's personality is just so perverted in him accepting his pervertedness that it's funny, though. XD 
          Chopper X Robin + Nami? :D That'd be some fun right there. Maybe add Vivi in there too. lol I wish we could see Vivi again. She was one of my favorite characters. Almost took down Zoro with some sort of perfume dance thing. And her bodyguard... Him and his shotgun infested wig. XD 
          Which OP character do you think is the weirdest? That's possibly the hardest question you can ask about OP ahah


@KingRusset Sorry this reply is long over due :P
          Okay I do like Franky's gadgets, but I really can't look past the underwear or his personality -.-
          And yes, the Chopper and Robin situation. I really don't see any relationship at all between them, if anything I think it's Chopper and Nami. Seeing as they always tend to bathe together and such. But I do love Robin and thank her for squeezing Franky's family gems :P


@clamity78 Ahah what, Franky bothers you? The fact that they convinced him to join the crew by having Robin squeeze his rubies to death? XD I do like him, actually, but probably only because of his gadgets. 
          Usopp... "I'm starting to get 'I can't go on this island' disease!" lol
          Chopper... Have you sensed that something is going on between Chopper and Robin? I feel like they have some secret sexual relationship behind the scenes...


@KingRusset Omg don't get me started on Usopp, I've always hated him -.- Him and his darn sling shot and the lies. I don't mind the fact that he told stories to Kaya to make her feel better, but it's the fact that he never stops. Another character that I dislike is Fanky, him and his underwear bother me :P Cutest character by far is Chopper :3


@clamity78 True! I enjoy the animes, though, because it takes longer to finish. There's also a bit more drama :3 Then again, some episodes all that happens is Luffy has a party or something and then they realize something else happened and there's a huge cliffhanger XD
          My favorite character is Zoro, of course! He's pretty much stayed the same since the start of the anime, unlike the other guys which have changed a bit. Luffy is definitely second, though. And then I just have a love/hate relationship with Usopp. Sometimes I hate him, and sometimes he's pretty darn cool :P