
Update: I feel like I haven’t been posting as much. But I have some excuses. I’m just getting off of being sick. My dad’s birthday is tomorrow. I have Science Fair at my school tomorrow. And I have my HSPT test this weekend. So, I’ve been a bit stressed and haven’t been able to post as much. So I am so so sorry.
          	However, hopefully I can start getting updates ready today. Not sure if I can though. Also I’m thinking of changing my OC in Summers. I need some suggestions. I’m thinking of Madison Beer, Sofia Wylie, or maybe Olivia Holt. Let me know what you guys think. 


Are you going to make a sequel on people from a another planet bc their filming z4(i know wyat's not in it but stil????)


@Nevena_2024 that's what I was thinking! I was hoping to start a new one when the fourth movie comes out! thank you for your support!


@Nevena_2024 or can you write a book between a werewolf and an vampire (victor) i know its a lot to ask but i really love youre book bc my books sucks


@Nevena_2024 i hope bc your books are really good especially the zombies ones


Update: I feel like I haven’t been posting as much. But I have some excuses. I’m just getting off of being sick. My dad’s birthday is tomorrow. I have Science Fair at my school tomorrow. And I have my HSPT test this weekend. So, I’ve been a bit stressed and haven’t been able to post as much. So I am so so sorry.
          However, hopefully I can start getting updates ready today. Not sure if I can though. Also I’m thinking of changing my OC in Summers. I need some suggestions. I’m thinking of Madison Beer, Sofia Wylie, or maybe Olivia Holt. Let me know what you guys think. 


Hey guys! I am so sorry for my lack of updates these past couple weeks. I have had so much going on in my life that I haven’t a found time to edit. I’ve have so many soccer teams because I was invited to a new soccer team recently, I’ve had so much testing at my school, I’m deciding to stress myself out by making more books, and I am an 8th grader so I’m having to prepare for high school tests. So please forgive me for the lack of updates. I’m also very sick so I’ve had to be resting but I’m going to try my best to write some more chapters for you guys. 
          I will be focusing on three specific books, so expect more updates from these book: 
          Steadfast (Ricky Bowen, Hsmtmts)
          The Life of Bliss (Joshua Bassett)
          Neighbor (Steve Harrington)
          Thank you guys for your patience! Hope y’all are as excited as I am for updates!


Thank you guys so much for 1K reads on Star-Crossed Love. My first 1K and I am in complete shock. I will be updating it soon I just have had such a busy week that I haven’t found time. Again, thank you guys so much and this means the world to me! ♥️♥️♥️


My Wattpad on my computer is not working and I have no clue why. I’m trying to update a chapter but when I do it just freezes up and doesn’t update. Nothing saves. If you guys have any suggestions please let me know. I might have to completely restart Star-Crossed Love because that is the story that has the most issues. I will let you guys know if I restart it. 


Update: my Wattpad is still not working so I am having to fix something’s through my phone Ughhh! However, for now I will not restarts Star-Crossed Love, for now. 