
@XTheAuthor haha, don't we all? :D


I might quit watt pad... 
          I mean, It's nice and all and you guys/girls are awesome and fun to talk to! 
          I just feel like I don't belong here.
          Every time I type a sentence, I grimace thinking about how many people look at my story and think: "this sucks" 
          Now, I'm not doing this just to get attention or have you all tell me "no its good! I like your story!" I know, and I'm glad you do.
          I wanted to publish Doodle and make it an actual story, but then I get this feeling: "what if no one likes it?" "what if no one would buy it?" 
          It just feels like my story isn't good enough.
          Heck, I'm not even good at writing short stories in English class!
          So, thank you to whoever is still reading this. You don't need to comment. 
          I just thought I should let you all know
          Bye ^^ (For now)