
HELLO ! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
          I am your star, your light, STARLIGHT-des! (≧∇≦)/
          I, the author of FH and HxH Bf Scenarios, wanted to thank you for taking your time out of your day to go read, comment and vote for the said books. (^_^)
          The effort that you've put on voting for that book is deeply appreciated from the bottom of my heart. Thank you! I hope you enjoy reading it and will continue to support it as well ! Thank you very much ! Love you !(´∀`)♡
          (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ Come here, Imma give you a hug and kiss! LOLOLOL JUST KIDDING. [ WTH im doing (҂⌣̀_⌣́) ]
          THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN! ;)
          P.s I love your cover in The home of Anime and Kpop Lovers. (Is it mm? Nah? Lolololol~ sorry ^-^V)