
I will be updating my books soon so if anyone is reading them then look out for when I update them, sorry it is taking so long for me to update but I don't have WiFi at home and I am almost always busy to update them but I will be updating shortly. so I hope you are all liking my books so far. and thank you to those who are reading them, I love you guys x 


I will be updating my books soon so if anyone is reading them then look out for when I update them, sorry it is taking so long for me to update but I don't have WiFi at home and I am almost always busy to update them but I will be updating shortly. so I hope you are all liking my books so far. and thank you to those who are reading them, I love you guys x 


I can't believe it has been four months since me and my amazing girl have been together I couldn't be happier I hope it will last for a very long time, as time goes on we only grow stronger as a couple and we won't let anything or anyone get in our way and try to split us up as that won't happen not today not tomorrow or the day after that not even in a couple months. I love her to bits and I know she feels the same.