
Hi, I want to thank you for following me and for voting on my story Mean! I saw that the comment you had left on one of the last chapters was reported as offensive and just know that it was probably automatic, but I didn't think it was offensive at all :) Thank you again and I hope you read the sequel! It's not completed yet and I haven't updated in a while because I'm trying to finish writing the book first. So if you start reading it, please be patient with me while I try to get through this last fit of writer's block for that book. 


@chicks2121 I'm happy that you actually feel that way. It's good that you had a connection with her, if that makes sense. I hope you enjoy Malicious if you read it and I hope you have a great day as well. :)


this message may be offensive
Welcome  thank you I mean I love your book I just did not like her to kill herself but I love that she had her uncle at the end and I will star reading next one wen I finish with this other book thanks for the replied  