
if someone replies to your form in the comments and hasnt submitted one, it is a rule violation. one that will get you both blocked if you agree to message them. check to see if others have submitted a form before messaging them.


@RoachJayden They could mention you in a reply after they comment their form in a correct area, but the rules state to comment all forms in the designated area. Someones form is not a designated area. Nor could it be. 


@chiasprouts oh >~< sorry I didn't... my brain didn't comprehend it the first time... Thanks for clearing that up ^-^


@RoachJayden i addressed that already, but I'll say it again. They'll be told to put it in the right place. 


if someone replies to your form in the comments and hasnt submitted one, it is a rule violation. one that will get you both blocked if you agree to message them. check to see if others have submitted a form before messaging them.


@RoachJayden They could mention you in a reply after they comment their form in a correct area, but the rules state to comment all forms in the designated area. Someones form is not a designated area. Nor could it be. 


@chiasprouts oh >~< sorry I didn't... my brain didn't comprehend it the first time... Thanks for clearing that up ^-^


@RoachJayden i addressed that already, but I'll say it again. They'll be told to put it in the right place. 


Admin here. Incomplete forms will be deleted. Minors adding adult ages to their preferred age range will be deleted and blocked. Vice versa for adults. Minor = Less than 18 years old. Adult = 18+. If your form states "I don't care about age" or "I don't have an age limit" it will be deleted and block. there are to be NO MINOR AMD ADULT MATCHES.