
@tusachloita sorry, I wish I could, but I just have no time at the moment - editing takes a lot longer than you would expect!! I could give your story a read when I have a little spare time though if you'd like?


I have a book I think you will like. It's based solely around Greek Mythology with Pandora as the protagonist. There are a few variations...I'll notify you when I post it. As a Greek Mythology fan I think you'll like it. Just a thought :)


Sure, thanks for the thought. Of course I'll give it a read, just let me know when it's posted? Have you checked mine out? It's also based around Greek mythology, and it's called The Weight of the Moon :)


Do you mind checking for errors in two of my stories? The titles are One Night, and No... If you did it would mean a lot :)


Sorry, I'm not taking on any stories at the moment, for I'm busy with school, friends and exams etc... I'm really sorry, and I hope you find another editor pretty soon :)


Hi! I would like to know if you still do editing? I heard you're a great editor. I really need someone to edit my story. I'm still new at this and I would like to make my first story nice. :) I hope you'll consider it :D


It's okay. Thank you for your time :D


Thank you, but unfortunately I'm not editing any more, due to school, friends and exams. I'm struggling to find time! I'm truly sorry, and I wish you the best of luck with your first story and with finding another editor :)


Can you like...check my story 'Ursula and Fish Lips' chapter one and give me feedback pleae?


I'm very sorry, but I'm not doing any more edits, due to the amount of time it takes, school work, and that I'm working on my own story currently. I wish you the best of luck, however, with finding someone else to help you out :)


Hey there. I was wondering if you were up for being a personal editor? I've read your work, it's really good! I need someone who can edit my work, take out mistakes, replace words with better ones, and just overall help me make my word tidier and much more efficient and sophisticated. I need a personal editor, not a normal one.


What do you mean by a personal editor? :)