
I wish I could kiss kiss fall in love for the first time again


ayo if u missed me im back my wifi was acting like it didnt want to work (also ive just been a lil lazy sooooo yeah)
          uhh lets see I havent done anything too crazy, out of my sheer boredom and the blessing of my roku tv I have started not one, not two, but THREE animes. upupupupu, the laziness disease will come for me now. so I started saiki k (its pretty good, though I watch it only if im really bored), death note (grrrr I love ryuk's laugh sm) and the third, my most favorite of all (that im watching rn) ouran high school host club!! uhuh thats all sorry if I worried anybody


professor venomous is such a dilf oh my god. and my dog just farted vhbefwnjhuyfewn it smells so bad


@shslenby im simping over a dilf and my tiny bf atm dont question me


@cherubi_promise LMFAO IM CRYING WHAT