
the way i want SO BADLY to just tell my chemistry teacher once and for all that i honestly, truly hate her and her ridiculously whiny, faux-eternally-positive voice drives me up the wall and i don’t learn jack in her class and she’s ruined any possible enthusiasm for the subject i might have ever had but i cant do that because im a student leader and i have to be responsible and polite :)


on behalf of my native land, jamaica, all of my caribbean neighbors who were colonized by britain, the entire commonwealth and all other countries and peoples who have victimized either by queen lizzie specifically or by the monarchy as an institution…
          alexa, play ding dong the witch is dead.


special shout out to my irish homies! may you be immune to alcohol poisoning as you drink to this wonderful day <3


roe v wade got overturned today.
          four states have already outlawed legal abortion and at least a dozen more have trigger laws in place that will come into effect and ban abortion there too. 
          clarence thomas suggested that the supreme court reconsider the laws that protect birth control, same sex relationships and same sex marriage. 
          we live in a hellscape.


Ikr. They aren't even actually stopping abortion, they're just making it unsafe. We're back to the hangers of the 40s. Also, they won't even support the education system. How can they try to force us to have more children and not give a sh*t about their education?!
            Clarence Thomas is an idiot, getting rid of contraception is only going to lead to an outbreak of STDs, yet another thing that is going to kill people. Christ, it's 2022, almost 23 and people STILL can't accept and respect the LGBTQ+ community.
            Hellscape indeed.