


hey, me again
          so as you know i have this reaccuring habit I've picked up with this account since 2021 where i go on writing sprees and write a bunch of stuff for you and then i disappear for months and/or years. 
          I cannot say that I will be back for good because there may never be a time I'm back for good. I've struggled with my mental health since i was thirteen and I have difficulty sticking with my hobbies and that is why i struggle so much with staying with this. 
          I plan to push out at least one chapter of as it was to you soon. Thank you all for being so patient with me and i really appreciate you guys and all you've done for me since i was 14. (for reference, I'll be 18 in a few months. so really, thank you) 
          I love you so much, more to come soon i promise <3


          I apologize for the fact that I keep dropping chapters on you and then disappearing for many many months. recently, life has not felt worth living. 
          I will be trying to my hardest to get chapters out for you guys, but at I am unable to tell you any plans for how long I plan to stay before disappearing again for a few months. 
          I know I say this in every message but I really, truly am thankful for everyone who continues to read by books even though I'm not consistent with writing them. Thank you for not holding that against me, I love you all with my whole heart. 
          As It Was will be finished eventually, I can tell you that much, although it may not be for a while. But I'm trying my best. 
          Thank you all, every single one of you. Even the ones who have been there since my 2021 days. I love you. 


          Once again I have crawled back into the hole I like to hide in every so often, and I want to personally apologize for hiding from you guys for all the time that I do
          I can't tell you I'll be back because I honestly don't know. Life has been hitting me with some wild curve balls and I've been in the biggest writing slump I've ever been in in my entire life at the current moment. I'd like to think I will always come back to you guys, but life is a major mystery. 
          I can promise you this, however. I promise I will come back when my life is cleared up and tell you how I plan to deal with everything. 
          I love and appreciate all of you, and thank you for being so patient with me. 