
Should I write another fan fiction?


@ chelsolis0  Of course!!!


Good Morning! 
          How is everyone? I will apologize as my original piece with Don and Joshua will have a bit a change as this story was an extension from a fan fiction I wrote. Since I want this to be my original piece many of tye settings and characters will change. Let me know your thoughts on the matter. 
          Thank you


@chelsolis0 yes please, been fan since your first vegaspete story started 


Chapter 4 of my mafia series, "Questions", has been uploaded. Two following chapters will be uploaded this week and I will try to upload three chapters in the coming week. My goal is to have this story line finished by the end of the year and get a head start on book two. Let me know what your thoughts are of the current chapters for Don and Joshua. 
          thank you 


Hellos my lovely readers. I have gone ahead with publishing Sectors 7 fist story line. You all had a sneak peek of it in my Fan Fiction of Pete and Vegas.  Please stay tuned for part 2 in Donavan's POV. There will be a lot of backgroung story as Donavan recalls the event that caused him his entire life. Stay Tuned.


Epilogue to Cruel Intenstions has been published and is ready for you all to read. This marks the end of my fanfiction. I hope you all enjoyed reading my story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please stay tuned as I will be uploading an original short story that will consist of very few parts maybe no more that 3k words each. It will be an easy read. Thank you for following my page and writing... I hope this next project is also something you guys will enjoy.


@Charity900477 I am working on something at the moment lolz 


Your book was fantastic! Please write more!


Will cruel intentions fanfic Will be updated or discounted??


@ailama6789 Hello, Good Morning! It will be updated very very soon.... I will upload a sneak Peek today and the full chapter this Saturday. LAST AND FINAL chapter will be up the following week. Thank you for reading :)


I've been hooked to ur story.. My god... 
          I still waiting for next... 
          Love ur twist and plot story of Vegas&Pete... 
          More please   .. 


@MilaE7 Thank you so much for your kind words, I am glad that my story is something you have enjoyed. <3 I will try to update the next chapter as fast as I could. Stay Tuned :D