


are you who i think you are or are my facial recognition skills that bad to the point where even I START TO QUESTION IF IM RACIST


@foreskinflaps no it’s all good, you just literally reminded us so much of this girl kailyn we know lmao, that username is definitely something she’d use


@snapmyneckhidemybody no sorry my names jada :(  maybe i can help you find her if i caused any trouble


this message may be offensive
i find it funny how some poeple find it a qUiRkY pErSoNaLiTy TrAiT to be depressed so when you tell people "yes, i do have depression. i got diagnosed with it and im going to a therapist", they might not believe you. idk if you get like...a fucking paper or smthn to show that you have depression but...people need to shut up about having depression  when you never had it in the first place and you think it's cute to be depressed. and if you have been depressed for would know it's not cute and that it's not something to joke about. (unless you cope with humor. then, i can understand that) 


I remember seeing this girl look at me, smile, then wave...i just kinda nodded back at her because she looked uncomfortable but, (ion wanna cheat) SHE WAS GORGEOUS. omg she was so pretty. Idek who she is and where she's from but all I know is that I made someone so pretty feel uncomfortable...i hate it here...