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✿ | Quick note! I'm working on chapters three and four, I'm also trying to update more often. Don't think I'm not doing anything, I've been both busy with school, and struggling to find a way to recover from how chapter two didn't turn out how it was supposed to, for future chapters.
          Also, do you guys know any CHxReaders with the Nordics/Finland as love interests or am I seriously going to have to write one myself?


@chamoysauce sorry for the late response i didn't see this!! your welcome :D happy reading!!


@chamoysauce these typos im crying..


you're an absolute blessing, thank you- ODJSHSH i haven't readthe book in a while- keep forgetting to have it in my library, tysm rlly !!


not feeling v gucci rn. idk why lol im just tired n have 0 energy to update my book again.  and, ngl, i'm contemplating changing it real quickly- nothing major, just little changes because i wasn't satisfied with some bits-  but at the same time i have sm stories in mind i want to write but no energy? it's kind of frustrating ngl.


( @chamoysauce )
            bruh i am struggling with the same thing too (haven't updated for 2+ months <3)


──── ♡ PREVIEW ────
          chapter two : reminiscence - darling's curse
          ──── That easily led her to the following scenario: leant against the (locked) door, beads of water droplets kissing her skin, with a towel wrapped securely around her physique. Hair dripping in areas she had accidentally soaked in the shower, with steam somehow rising from her body, with the hot shower she had previously taken.
          Chest rising and falling with her gentle breaths, eyes dull, moving along the barely visible scenery of the girl's bedroom, mostly untouched; with the bed that likely hadn't been used in years.
          Crickets cried amidst the lush blades of grass, cars whizzed along the street; the very sound of "night air" hummed outside ... the area was silent, dead-feeling; much like the atmosphere of the girl's bedroom.
          Lonely, mysterious; yet, in a discomforting way. Akin to that ever-rising paranoia that looms over one as they amble along the dark, lonely street at night—and mixed with that feeling of listening to true crime, which is quite funny, as it radiated the ominous tension of the girl's disappearance, and it wasn't very nice. The air felt thicker for [Name], who knew the result of it all.
          ..It never felt as if someone was there, it felt as if someone could be there.
          She bit her lips at the thought, her hand moving along the soft yet bumpy walls, before met by a smooth surface with a sudden bulge; the light switch.
          A white light enveloped the bedroom, revealing its rather neat decor. Laptop and phone placed on the desk situated by the corner, bed neatly made, the carpeted floors clean and free of any trash. While it failed to eradicate its suffocatingly eerie atmosphere, it at least relieved her just a small amount.
          A breath abruptly sucked in; she moved carefully along the room, the towel falling around her feet, abandoned as she continued making her way to the bed where she had left neatly folded clothing found from the drawer.


Almost a month since the book being published, yikes- my bad.. I have school now which leaves me kind of tired, and also gives me less freetime to write </3 I apologise for the delay again ;; I'm planning somewhat carefully so that I don't disappoint any reader who happened to get their interest piqued by chapter one. I also struggle w/ poor attention span and then like- laziness/procrastination _(༎ຶД༎ຶ`」 ∠ )_ This is meant to be an explanation rather than an excuse- I'm trying to push chapters out, promise-


          A countryhumans x reader, except the comments kind of decide how the story go? I'm not sure whether or not the characters will be aware of the commentors' existence or not, but, I mean--- I thought it'd be a fun thing to work on, on the side when I don't feel like writing my other fics?