
I'm checking in real quick since I have a little time in between my online schooling, jobs, and vaction! When I get bored, I reread my stories and Yoobeepbeep27's stories hahaha! I should lowkey update soon, i feel terrible leaving yall on a hanger.


I was thinking about your story bc something reminded me of it loll and you are so right for going to yoobeepbeep27 for storys loll they are amazing 


Haha I’m glad I can keep you entertained :) and you should throw us a little chapter or three, you know, as a little treat 


I'm checking in real quick since I have a little time in between my online schooling, jobs, and vaction! When I get bored, I reread my stories and Yoobeepbeep27's stories hahaha! I should lowkey update soon, i feel terrible leaving yall on a hanger.


I was thinking about your story bc something reminded me of it loll and you are so right for going to yoobeepbeep27 for storys loll they are amazing 


Haha I’m glad I can keep you entertained :) and you should throw us a little chapter or three, you know, as a little treat 


Ive been gone for too long, just know that Im alive hahaha! I can't even promise an update since my life is so all over the place and it's literally almost been a year since I started "Her Lockscreen" even though I was supposed to finish it FOREVER ago. I never lost motivation, I think my life just got in the way too much. With that being said, random updates! Much love to everyone, I'm slowly catching up.


@chaesstrawberrie three jobs?? Wow, I’m impressed. Get that money hahahaha. I’m glad you’re doing well and the hospital stays have been minimal! And yes, I’ve been pumping out stories like crazy lol. My brain never stops so might as well keep writing :)


@yoobeepbeep27 Ive been great, only a few hospital stays! Every here and there I come to check your account and I am always so happy with how much you're getting out, and how much support you have too! I started working my 3rd job again so my life has been too draining to even try and be as active as you hahaha!


Hey friend!! I’m glad to see you’re still around. I’m still here and writing 2yeon stories of course lol. How have you been? Any more hospital stays? 


Update coming today!! I know, its been almost a month but guys let me tell you, this drama im experiencing rn is so funny to me. I don't understand how people can have onesided beef lmao. Also im on new meds that mess with my nerves so I lowkey have more than usual blurred vision and rapid eye movement and bruising and unable to think and extra clumsy but the bonus is that I have no more nerve pain XD! Bare with me guys hahaha!
          (On the bright side, I have 17 kids now in my daycare class that are all 2 years old and they've changed my life fr. I love them)


You stay going through it lol. You remind me of my cousin. She has similar medical drama. But I’m glad your nerve pain is gone! And also that you’re giving me an update <3  Spill the tea about the one sided beef tho 


I know it feels like I just left you guys empty handed and I won't even lie, I basically did lol! So little life update real quick, I'm battling more complications (I don't need another surgery tho :D!) and I'm back on the medication that makes me feel like trash 24/7 (for the next 10 days too). I have a big fear of throwing up (Yet some how lived through throwing up 5 times last night) and it's suppppper draining. I won't even lie to you guys, it may be another 2 weeks until I can get back to revising and editing the stories. I'll be back soon, I'm doing just fine (For now...!). 
          Miss u guys <33


@chaesstrawberrie Don't worry about us! Take your time and only do something if you really want to! I really hope you feel better 
            I GOT YOU!!!


We can still wait and also take care of your health. I hope you feel better soon and as I said prioritize yourself. Anything can happen as long we're together  I GOT YOU author-nim


I was literally about to ask how you we’re doing lol but I hope things get better and take your time on your coping process and listen to twice, things will get better dont worry I GOT YOU!!


Sorry for not updating for awhile guys, I'll be honest...I've been working on another story :D!! I'm releasing it eventually, but I will release the newest chapters of the stories this weekend! Sorry for the hold up!


Update and a new story on the way?! Yes!  


No it's ok even if we are dying to get the newest chapters, we understand that you are busy with some stuff in life. You don't need to apologize, just take your time and I can't wait for the story you are releasing soon!! Always prioritize yourself and take care!! ❤️❤️


It’s alright we get that it was the holidays and honestly I’m just glad your alright and I hope your doing well!


Heyyy I hope you’re doing well and I hope you had a great Christmas I was thinking about writing this a few days ago but I haven’t had time but I’m doing it now so I hope you’re alright and have a great new year 


@chaesstrawberrie Yeahh I get it, it’s like that a lot near the end of the year and I’m looking forward to your next update even if its not till 2025 lol


@Dj1089 Hiiii <3! I'm doing great, I just haven't been active since I had my birthday, Christmas, work, family visiting, and all that boring stuff >-<!! I hope you had a great Christmas as well, and will have a good new year!! Trust me, I'll update big time soon ^.^!


Happy 10k An Honest Mistake!!! I almost abandoned the story last year, but I pulled through! I know I am lacking in updates, but without a doubt am I beyond grateful for every person who reads every chapter, or even just one! Thank you!


Congratulations author!! I’ve read the story recently and I have no regrets at all. 


Woohoo! Congratulations!


I know I said I would upload almost full time after thanksgiving, but during thanksgiving I had an incident were a friend of mine tried to well you know! He did somethings to me I was uncomfortable with so I took a break to obviously report things, and to handle myself. I'm doing fine now and I will be uploading soon! Thanks for waiting on me and those super slow updates..!


@Dj1089 Thank you for literally always checking up one me! You're one of my fav people and I always look forward to anything from you <3!


@yoobeepbeep27 I'm doing super well now! Even if I have to see him every day, haha!


I hope you feel better and I know how uncomfortable it can feel and I was thinking about you yesterday and I wanted to check up on you to see if you were alright but I fell asleep  sorry but it’s alright waiting for your uploads we know you have a life too


I promise Chapter 27 is coming today! I just need to revise it real quick and it should be out. This is the longest break in between chapters I've had yet, but don't worry guys, I'm back and MUCH better!


You really are one of my favorite authors so I truly do get worried 


A few days ago, I forgot to reply to this, but I’m really glad that you’re back and healthier and I hope that you stay that way this time 


Hi author!! So happy to hear you are feeling much better  cant wait for the updates!! ❤️


Lmao okay so my health is going downhill so it looks like I need to hurry and try and wrap my stories up because I’d never leave you guys on cliffhangers and open end stories. I’ve been working hard to recover but I’m unable to get nutrients at a decent rate so looks like I need to speed run the stories..I refuse to go on hiatus again!!


I hope nothing bad happens and that you’ll be alright, I don’t really know you that much but you’re a great writer and you’ll go somewhere one day and I hope you’ll recover just fine!!


I hope you feel better soon!! We miss you keep fighting ❤️


I pray that you get better and recover too. Stay healthy and wish you the best in life 