
Umm okay so I can’t write when I want to so I’m giving myself until March 1st to write as many stories as I can and post them without having to write new ones…so March will hopefully I’ll be posting regularly, but again tell me what you would like to see me write!


Umm okay so I can’t write when I want to so I’m giving myself until March 1st to write as many stories as I can and post them without having to write new ones…so March will hopefully I’ll be posting regularly, but again tell me what you would like to see me write!


I’m writing some stories right now, and I’m wondering what you guys would like to see. Smut, angst, fluff? Please give some ideas if you can! (You will be credited)


@therookiexxx Oooh! I love that idea! That will DEFINITELY be in my notes, right now I’m planning a similar series with chenford going back undercover and Juicy and Dim but when that project is done being planned out I will starting brainstorming on your AU !


right I have had this alternate universe story stuck in my head for AGES!! I’ve tried to write it my self but it hasn’t came together how I would like it too..maybe you could give it a try??
            Based around season4-5, Tim is not metro but he is in a relationship with Lucy..he has a secret twin sister that no one knows about [call her Tiana Bradford or something] he fell out with his twin 20 years before hand due to their dad- but they come across each other one day through work. [she could be a detective, or a patrol officer transferring] they argue a lot..and yeah I DONT KNOW TO BE HONEST I JUST WANTED TO SEE ONE WITH TIM HAVING A SECRET SIBLING