
I apologize for my lack of updates. I promise my update will be up late tonight if not early tomorrow. I'm trying to put more effort into the chapters and not let them be as short as they have been. I've been really busy with school and personal things but I am happy to see all the positive comments and votes! Thank you for being so nice. If you guys have anything to recommend in the chapters feel free to message me and we can talk about it! Thank you everyone :) have a wonderful day 


I apologize for my lack of updates. I promise my update will be up late tonight if not early tomorrow. I'm trying to put more effort into the chapters and not let them be as short as they have been. I've been really busy with school and personal things but I am happy to see all the positive comments and votes! Thank you for being so nice. If you guys have anything to recommend in the chapters feel free to message me and we can talk about it! Thank you everyone :) have a wonderful day 


@SillyLittleBeauty thank you so much! It really means a lot to me that you like my story that much. I was unsure about my story at first but I love that all of you like it. All the positive comments and votes are what keep my story going. I'm writing what I would love to happen for Beth and Daryl and I'm glad that so many other people want it too.


@cciaradawnn I've only just got into the bethyl thing and i now ship them so hard it hurts! I honisly wish something would atually happen between the two on the walking dead. Anyway, Your fanfiction was the first bethyl i read and i was like "Woah, This is really good." And i started fangirling over little bits then commenting and voting and i'm litreally so excited for your next update just too see what you put! I honisly love your book and once its finished i'll probially re-read it. I uselly re-read things i like. :) Don't give up on writing miss. x