

Hi! I know it's been a while but I just wanted to thank everyone for so many reads on my story, it almost doubled up in just a couple of weeks. I've been on holiday and tried to relax, but I also finally started writing a sequel for I was made for you and I'm also considering starting a process of revision and maybe adding some extra chapters here and there to the first story. I have a bonus chapter written already but I'm not sure I like it so I'll think about posting it a little longer. Let me know how you've been


          Final chapter is out. I hope you guys like it. I actually have a couple of one shots in store, they didn't fit in the story but they might be good bonus chapters and I plan to publish them. I'm also thinking about writing a second story following this one, but I'll give it some time and I would really love for you to tell me what you think and what you'd like to read next.  Thank you so much for all the support and opinions I've received during the past months, I never thought anybody would be interested in my take of what happened to Callie and Arizona in New York, it fills my heart with joy♥️
          ~ El
          P.S. The epilogue is just something I would really like to happen and if you totally hate it you can pretend it was never there!


Good morning guys!
          I spent my weekend studying physics and there's gonna be more today, so I'm happy to do this little morning break to update my story and share my thoughts with you. I did do some writing in the last few days and I can't wait for you to find out what happens. I'm starting to have some ideas for when this story is over and I can't wait to share them with you but for now... Let's focus on giving Calzona a happy ending! Have a good week and let me know what you think of this chapter and of what's gonna happen in the next ones!♥️