
Just posted a new story aft an extremely long time!!! I'm extremely excited for this one. Hope you check it out and enjoy the ride with me! :)


Hi everyone! I'm backkkkk. So it has been a few months. I'm back with another story, however, this time I am going to do things differently. I will be posting one chapter of my new book as a pilot and I won't be posting anymore after that until I am at least halfway or 3/4 done with the story. Don't forget to leave a comment (or review, in the case of terms) Reviews (comments and votes) are love! <3


Wow thank you all soooo much for the 1.6k reads and 150 votes on The Summer That Changed My Life!!! Sadly, I don't think I'll be updating it anytime soon. I hope to revisit it one day, but as of now, a Delena gymnastics story is on my mind.... :))))


Hey everyone!!
          So sorry I've been pretty much dead. So I was laying in bed and suddenly there was this story that I deleted from my library that I really can't remember the name of,but remember the story line.I was hoping if anyone could tell me the title,because I also forgot the names of the characters and I don't know if the story line is exactly right here it goes!! It's a WEREWOLF story btw
          Girl meets guy and realizes he's her mate and he's also the Alpha of the largest pack in the country.Girl's pack was killed off by rogues,leaving only her sister and her alive because their parents ask them to flee to some Summer house miles away.They came back only after a few years. So they realize they are mates and the Girl's sister is mates with her sister's mate's beta.Girl gets kidnapped by king of rogues and she is pregnant.The guy saves her and the babies are delivered.Three children I think.
          So if anyone could help me....
          Thank you so much!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I think the girl and her sister are angel and amber respectively 


Hey everyone!! I know holidays are supposed to be the time when I update more, but well.... I have no excuse... I'm extremely lazy... I hope I can at least get one chapter up before I start school again in slightly over a weeks time. Well I attend Kumon classes, and well for those of you who attend Kumon as well, you guys would know that there are worksheets to be done everyday and IT SUCKS.... and well I'm also on holiday in Japan, so I hope I'll be able to write... see you soon!!! <3
          Cass :)


Heyz everyone! I know some of you have been requesting that I update. Sorry for the longggggg wait but I have been having like a enormous load of presentations and exams are like the week after next and I'm like not even 75% prepared. Once the holidays arrive, I promise I'll get to writing again. Meanwhile, I've been doing videos as well. I'll be posting it hopefully today and I'll put up the link then. For now, happy reading!! ( )


Hey Guys!:)
          I know some of you have been wondering where in the world I've flown to and really want me to update The Summer That Changed My Life too.So sorry to say that the next chapter won't be up till next Monday or hopefully earlier. Hockey season already started and my first game is this coming Monday,which is next Monday.School presentations are rolling in and exams are just round the  corner.Sorry I know I kept many of you waiting but I'm in tertiary education and it isn't like secondary or primary levels anymore.I'll update more during my holidays which are in about more than a month away.Bear with me till then if you can❤️ Much loves Cass❤️


hey everyone :)
          so i know that i haven't posted in a VERY long while.sorry about that.i admit i haven't even started on the nxt and all...hopefully i can get down to writing soon as my mid semester break is coming soon.thanks for waiting!!! <3