
I'm so sorry I'm way too far behind my updating schedule, but I'll try to have the next chapter of OCD up this week... If not, you're given permission to slap me. The next update of Neverland will be as soon as I've heard what's gonna happen with the competition, sorry. Please stay with me and hold on, there WILL be more chapters of OCD and they WILL be posed soon. Love you. Stay Beautiful x


I'm so sorry I'm way too far behind my updating schedule, but I'll try to have the next chapter of OCD up this week... If not, you're given permission to slap me. The next update of Neverland will be as soon as I've heard what's gonna happen with the competition, sorry. Please stay with me and hold on, there WILL be more chapters of OCD and they WILL be posed soon. Love you. Stay Beautiful x


I've been nominated to do the 20-facts-challencge by @roropunkii and @thelion_ so here it goes:
          1. I'm 17 years old.
          2. I'm from Sweden (half Swedish half Estonian though).
          3. My favourite colour is purple.
          4. I'm 5'7.
          5. I became a directioner back in 2012 (I was late I kNOW).
          6. My favourite word in English is sneeze.
          7. I have a strange addiction to milk.
          8. If I could be someone else for one day I'd be Perrie Edwards.
          9. I'm in three fandoms; 1D, 5SOS, LM
          10. I'm a dancer; ten dance (american latin and ballroom).
          11. My favourite books of all time are 1984, To kill a mockingbird and Crimes and Punishment.
          12. I've been to about half the countries in Europe.
          13. I'm doing the IB programme.
          14. I love acting and I want to become an actress one day.
          15. I sound like a dying walrus when I sing but I do it anyway. 
          16. My favourite movies are Tangled and Peter Pan (childish I know but WHATCHA GONNA DO ABOUT IT?)
          17. I'm diagnosed with OCD.
          18. I want to move to the UK when I've finished school.
          19. I'm naturally blonde and I've got blue eyes. Stereotype Swedish but oh well.
          20. I have so much homework but I'm doing this instead oOPS
          I nominate @PaintMeWithRoses @MissRysnna and @MysteriousJelly. ENJOY!