
Chapter 2 of The Unorthodox Odyssey of Abby Oliver is now up!


How we humans got to be at the top of the food chain, I will never know. Because sometimes we are ridiculous. Take me, for example. I have TWO ONC stories in progress, and now THIS. (It's been niggling at me for MONTHS, and after having very frank conversations with older women about the severe lack of romcoms featuring older women, I decided I have to have a go at this.)
          If I finish ONE of these WIPS, I will dance in the streets. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.


@carolannewrites Sounds wonderful. I'm so excited to read it. Blessings 


Chapter 1 of The Fortification of Flora Fisher is UP, yo!  This is my 2nd ONC2024 entry. I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep up the momentum of two stories, but I'm gong to give it my best shot.
          I hope everyone is writing up a veritable storm. SUCH great story starts out in Wattpad World these past couple of days!