
My country was being shocked by a Magnitude 5.9 Earthquake TT all what was predicted happened, slowly and painfully happen. 


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I just really can't stand on how some men sees a women just like a living shit of dirt, only to be used, only to be seen as a doll, a fucking beautiful doll!!?? that can be drugged, that can be videod..
          Just please Seungri, I need your statement now.
          I am really crying because of this shits.


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Seungri papi I knew you and BB for many years Just fucking say the truth. If it will hurts us just tell the truth, this is all what we fucking need right now. I had work later, but I can't really sleep because of this.


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Jun Joon Young admits all the accusations and what all his victims got is a SORRY. Fuck! I am a woman too.  I can feel those women who was raped and being molested. And all what they got is a sorry? 3 years wasn't enough for you dear IF YOU WILL BE JAILED. I'm sorry Joon Young but I hope you'll be rotten in jail. 


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I don't know what will I truly feel right now.. It just like I was disappointed to Seungri, I was really mad and wanted to beat the shit out of Joonyoug, Mr. Kim and all those men who was involve, I was hurt, sad everything. 
          And this morning I have read and see an article that a 16 years old who was serving in church was rape and her face was skinned and burnt almost exposing her skull, found not wearing her undies and was killed.