
Little Update everyone! The next chapter of Danganronpa: Children of Despair is gonna be pretty detailed (hopefully) so it may be coming out sometime next week instead of tomorrow or Saturday! I hope this doesn't upset any of you following so I'll keep all of you posted!


Little Update everyone! The next chapter of Danganronpa: Children of Despair is gonna be pretty detailed (hopefully) so it may be coming out sometime next week instead of tomorrow or Saturday! I hope this doesn't upset any of you following so I'll keep all of you posted!


Hey everyone! Just wanna let you all know Danganronpa: Children of Despair's next chapter will hopefully be released not this Friday but next Friday only because I wanna give myself more than just a week to write chapters. 


Hello everyone who reads these! I decided to mostly restart my Wattpad so that I won't be working on so much all the time, in fact, I currently have a story/fanfic in the works for Danganronpa called Danganrona: Children of Despair. I won't get into much detail now, but I hope people will stick around and read it or just stick around in general. I was going to upload the story on Tumblr or Fanfiction.Net, but running it through friends they said Wattpad is probably the safest place for it. With that, I hope to keep this account more active considering how old it is and I guess that's it.