
I was tagged by the brilliant @unlitspark to write 10 things that make me happy so I'm gonna do that now whoo yayy.... so here are ten things that make me happy in no order whatsoever;
          	1. Disney movies and also Disneyland, anything and everything Disney
          	2. watching Dr Who and youtubers, listening to Fall Out Boy and mcr
          	3. listening to amazing bands/artists, discovering new music
          	3.5. really brilliant beautiful lyrics that make your mind go boom *crash aarrgh awwwhh*
          	4. discovering and exploring new places, learning new words and languages.
          	5. vanilla milkshakes and chicken nuggets
          	6. having debates on stupid topics, laughing a lot
          	7. thunder storms, the smell after rain
          	8. daydreaming, thinking up story plots that I never get around to writing.
          	9. reading great books, watching great films, anime
          	10. videos and images of animals being adorable.
          	I have no idea who to tag so I tag anyone who sees this to write down ten things that make you happy <3


lau! lau! I miss you sooooo much! anyway, my internship will end next week and then i'm free :D can't wait to catch up with you.


@unlitspark because you are the only exception, I totally have that paramore song stuck in my head now lol.
            I was ill over the weekend (damn bugs, the f is their deal?) so I've mostly been layed up in bed convinced that the grim reaper was about to come and get me but I'm better now which is awesome, I can eat pizza again yaayy.
            How have you been??? :)
            haha gotta get in that shameless self promotion xD


@cannulatedencores  i just tagged myself up there!


@unlitspark  haha okay, if you say so. you know only you get that exception right? 
            anyway how have you been? what are you up to these days?


I was tagged by the brilliant @unlitspark to write 10 things that make me happy so I'm gonna do that now whoo yayy.... so here are ten things that make me happy in no order whatsoever;
          1. Disney movies and also Disneyland, anything and everything Disney
          2. watching Dr Who and youtubers, listening to Fall Out Boy and mcr
          3. listening to amazing bands/artists, discovering new music
          3.5. really brilliant beautiful lyrics that make your mind go boom *crash aarrgh awwwhh*
          4. discovering and exploring new places, learning new words and languages.
          5. vanilla milkshakes and chicken nuggets
          6. having debates on stupid topics, laughing a lot
          7. thunder storms, the smell after rain
          8. daydreaming, thinking up story plots that I never get around to writing.
          9. reading great books, watching great films, anime
          10. videos and images of animals being adorable.
          I have no idea who to tag so I tag anyone who sees this to write down ten things that make you happy <3


Thanks for the follow! :)


@Cannulatedencores Anytime! You're poems are really good. :)


@StephanieTheWriter you're welcome! Thank  you for reading and voting on some of my stuff, and also for the follow :)