

Amazing book so far…..but I can’t help but miss Xandoe


but hey I really need help on writing a story  so please if you have any ideas then just let me know please guys I need your help on this okay thank you bye take care all of you


hii teammm idk why am saying that but how are you all


          Olá, você gosta de livros com uma vibe gótica, fria e com o puro suco do dark academia?
          Se sim, te convido para ler meu livro de romance entre vampiros, nomeado de: "Fascínio Nefasto"
          Fascínio Nefasto é um livro de romance entre duas almas imortais que se encontram para viverem a eternidade juntas.
          Sinopse: Com a descoberta de sua nova rara habilidade vampírica, Raven Night, filha de uma das grandes elites do mundo sobrenatural, ématriculada na Royal Sanguis University. Uma universidade que o principal objetivo é treinar e preparar a elite vampírica para o mundo.
          Victor é um príncipe vampiro egocêntrico que vive sua vida ao máximo, aproveitando a liberdade antes que suas obrigações com a coroa cheguem a bater em sua porta. Mas sonhos repentinos começam a trazer desespero e temor para Victor. Sonhos estes que têm um único resultado: sua parceira predestinada morta.
          Essa história conta a trajetória de Raven e Victor  na descoberta de um amor repentino e de uma guerra que está pronta para desestruturar o mundo vampiro.
          Link do livro: ⬇️⬇️⬇️


Hi! I really liked your stories huhu, I really am not a fan of english stories, yet Vampire's pet caught my attention and I'm like I'm deeply into it. I just finished reading it today, and was about to read the next part. Sadly, I have my exam tomorrow, I still need to review huhu. I'll probably read the next part after my exams. Thank youu so muchh for writing, you're great. I hope to meet you soon!! Keep Safe, and don't forget that you will always be loved by many. 


I don’t know if you’ll read this, but I just wanted to say that I am so happy for you! I read the vampires pet series a looong time ago and absolutely loved it. At the time it barely had any comments or recognition. I finally got back on the app and OMG your book has blown up!! I re read it and am still absolutely in love with the series. I really hope you get the recognition and support you deserve from your writing. Keep doing what you love and don’t let anyone take your motivation to write away. Your books are amazing and I hope you go far with whatever you pursue. Have an amazing day:)


          I hope I m not bothering you 
          I hope all is well with you. I recently finished reading your story, and I was thoroughly impressed with the narrative and the richness of your characters. It’s a tale that I believe would resonate with a broader audience, especially in the form of a webcomic. The visual aspect could offer an entirely new layer to your already exceptional work. If you're open to the idea, I’d love to discuss how we can collaborate on bringing your story into the webcomic format and expanding its reach. 
          Here is my twitter handle :@lilithfelix0
          My portfolio:
          here is my discord handle : kaibakawai