
Assalamu Alaikum guys! 
          	I can't believe I have 300 followers!
          	Thank u all so much :D 
          	I also can't believe The Girl in The Green Scard os now done!!! *sobs* 
          	Please those of you who still didn't read it chexk it out، I promise you won't regret it! 


Assalamu Alaikum guys! 
          I can't believe I have 300 followers!
          Thank u all so much :D 
          I also can't believe The Girl in The Green Scard os now done!!! *sobs* 
          Please those of you who still didn't read it chexk it out، I promise you won't regret it! 


Guuuys hello!
          All the girl in the green scarf fans come here :D
          There is an award giving! And we have to nominate our fav story!
          Search for the book : 
          The Fiction Awards 2016
          Open the second chapter :
          Nominations: open
          look for the Category Spiritual and write
          The Girl in The green scarf by @pearlandivory_ 
          Then press enter.
          U can nominate more than one book so u can nominate all ur fav books!