
(   s1 au, carmel invitationals  )
          he pushed through the crowd, head downcast as he tried to bat down his growing apprehension. vocal adrenaline had been / much / better than mr. schuester had implied. the new directions, just a baby show choir, had been aborted. they were doomed. he was dwelling upon this as his shoulder smacked into another boy's, rumpling his mcqueen jacket. he glanced over with a defensive scowl. "you realize i'm a / person /  , right?"


kurt faltered, some of his disdain fading as he considered the boy's genuine tone. so it hadn't been intentional. a nice shift from the constant abuse at mckinley. maybe he had been a tad haughty, but apologizing was not his specialty. instead, his gaze swept over the boy, taking in the dark curls that were beginning to break free from the confines of his gel. he raised a boy. "you need stronger hair gel."


@blackestbirds ; vocal adrenaline was insane . blaine had been so lost in thought about how the warblers could / possibly / be better than vocal adrenaline in the future that he could not pay attention to anyone around him . he was plotting songs in his mind , possible choreography , appointing himself the spy of the warblers . he blinked when the person he bumped into speaks , immediately apologizing . "i'm so sorry , i didn't see you there." 


( post-quarterback )
          alicia curled up against the familiar tree, staring at the overcast skies. it looked like it might rain. it would be appropriate if it did. it had been a month. one long, terrible month. there was still a memorial set up down the road from her house. she hadn't made it through the day, skipping classes and glee rehearsal to come to the park. here, she could pretend nothing had changed. here, she could pretend her life wasn't tearing at the seams. here, he still felt alive. her songbook was splayed open, ignored in her lap. the spine had broken today. she still hadn't written a word in weeks.


"not since . . ." alicia trailed off. she didn't think she needed to finish that sentence. she had been content to let the silence continue, even with noah, but sitting here, at their usual spot, caused something akin to guilt to creep into her chest. if anyone else would understand, it would be him. but maybe that was the entire reason why she hadn't reached out. being understood was daunting in the face of her despair. "i was almost considering it. reaching out."


@lovelikefoolss ;    blaine shook his head. he texted him a few days ago, just to catch up on how he was feeling, but puck hadn't texted back. it was weird. this was supposed to bring them all together, but they felt more detached than ever. it was no one's fault. it just happened sometimes. he did miss everyone though, and anytime he didn't get a text back, his heart dropped to his stomach. "have you?" he asked, as if he didn't know the answer to that. 


alicia fell silent. she could palpably feel when the peace of the moment shifted into something decidedly less tranquil. she was quite used to this feeling. she pressed her shoulder into blaine's, gaze drawn back to the gray clouds hovering overhead. "do you hear from noah?" she asked softly. she had been unwilling to reach out to anyone since the news, and despite the closeness they'd formed over their shared grief, alicia had not bothered to text him. there was a hint of worry in her chest, but like all of her recent emotions, it felt faraway and detached.


kurt hesitated. he was too familiar with the extravagant walls of dalton academy, and now, it felt like they were pressing in on him. it had only taken a couple short inquiries to a small group of boys wearing warbler badges on their uniforms to find the way to blaine's apparent new office. now, he hovered awkwardly outside of the door, wondering why he ended up in westerville in the first place. but it felt right, coming to talk to blaine. to set the record straight after his accusation about new directions stealing jane last week, and their uncomfortable conversation at the record store just yesterday. with a deep breath, kurt's knuckles rapt against the door.


the sound of blaine's familiar voice caused something to kickstart in kurt's chest, possibly his heart. he set his jaw, intent upon muting the reaction. he wasn't supposed to feel that way about blaine anymore. blaine was dating karofsky, of all people, and kurt was . . . finding his way back to sanity. somewhat. with another deep breath, kurt pushed open the door, hesitating uncomfortably in the entryway. almost like a vampire, he was too tentative to step inside. "full disclosure, despite popular belief, i'm not here to steal any of your little songbirds."


@blackestbirds ━
            he shouldn't feel bad about the whole "kurt" situation. after all, blaine was the one that was hurt, wasn't he? he was the one that got dumped, when he knew kurt well enough to the point that he didn't have to agree to the proposal. after months of crying and tears in new york (and more crying and tears back in lima), he was finally in control of his emotions. well, as in control as he was before -- but really, what was the difference? he felt okay now. somewhat. until he heard the knock on the door and he found himself praying it was kurt, or someone similar to him. "come in," he calls out, almost hopefully. now, did he feel bad that he yelled at rachel and kurt for snatching the best singer he'd ever hurt? yes. but this was competition -- war, even.


oh , hello , / blainey days / . * there is a lilt of sarcasm in kurt's melodic voice as he approaches from behind blaine , along with a twinge of something almost like -- envy . he straightens out the lapel of his suit jacket , almost nervously . * tina finally has lost her mind this year . bit of a ridiculous nickname , isn't it ?


@candIlez ;   show choir . films . musicals . restaurants worth trying in the city . we have a lot in common . i figured you'd be / happy / for me .


@blackestbirds  ;  * he rolls his eyes * what do you two even talk about ? 


shouldn't i / prioritize / my relationship over friendships ? seems like the right thing to do . * with a flat smile , he finishes his text , fingers flying across the screen . *


why are you going through my phone ?


@blackestbirds  ;  except everything ' s going to change . i ' ve tried to put on such a . . . brave face for you , but it ' s just . . . i don ' t know . 


@candIlez ;   * kurt softens , tilting his head . * but you're coming with me . eventually . and we'll visit each other all the time . nothing's going to change , blaine .


@blackestbirds  ;  maybe i just . . . don ' t want you to go so far away . 


out of curiosity , dearest cousin , what exactly is going on with you and kurt ?


@motherIoving ; i ' m not / oblivious / . i just know my place . 


* she glared at him for a moment * i swear to god , blaine . you're the most oblivious person in this world .


@motherIoving ; lacey , you ' ve always been a bit dramatic . 


i'm surprised that chaucer is included in the curriculum here at dalton . back at mckinley , my peers thought that was a type of spaghetti sauce . * he sighs woefully , absently flipping a page in their massive literature textbook . *


@blackestbirds ; i think you should . * no , he doesn ' t . * i think having a conversation about it will be good . even if it ' s just . . . closure .


well . . . no . in my experience , having conversations about feelings with boys never goes well . do you think i should , though ?


@blackestbirds ; i think it ' d be impossible for him to not like you . have you ever asked him ? 


dearest blaine . i do hope , after last week's jeremiah incident , you have learned a very valuable lesson : never risk your dignity for a guy . even if they have mop - like hair .


* his eyes narrow , though he tries to appear indifferent . * jeremiah dressed like a homeless person . and clearly did not appreciate your musical… abilities .


@blackestbirds ; *  he sighs deeply , a flustered chuckle escaping him as he shakes his head  *  not even if they have perfect fashion sense and sing like a dream ? 