
I got it back finally guys I got my account back 


This is a msg from my second acc help i am the the writer of call_me_pink_bean i am writing this from my second acc that i can't log back in to this account I am trying to log back in and continue writing finding u so for now it's gonna be on hatius until i retrieve my acc


So I am finally writing a book again as we are again having online school and I have time to update now
          Cover and title reveal- 5/5/22
          Description and characters/introduction- 6/5/22
          This is a fantasy x preset world
          •18+ (ok I am finally taking up the courage to do it )
          •ending (we'll see if it's happy or sad)


It was hard but I still unpublished magic card cause I was in a total haitus idk but I'll have to work on it in draft maybe I'll publish it when it's ready on top of that I have been giving late updates cause of my final exams and I think I am giving to many excuses instead of giving this book some time so I think it would be better if I start fresh but not with magic card I have to work more hard


Should I continue writing guys ?


@call_me_pink_bean  thankuu I will do my best not to disappoint you guys 


@call_me_pink_bean Yes. But only if you want to and you are happy with it.


@call_me_pink_bean Yesss author!!. And please write more taejin books.❤