
I've not had Wi-Fi so I can't be on anything. I'm coming on to say that I'm deleting everything. it's just too much. sorry.


LET'S SET SOMETHING RIGHT. you guys don't know the full story so don't come at me like you do. my friends do because they experienced it with me. Daniel and I have stuff going far back because we knew each other ooc. we stopped being friends last year but it was him who decided to mess with my friends. he manipulated them and lied and emotionally tore them down. he even wished death upon our best friend's baby and if you agree with it, that's sick. not only was it sick by that, but it actually died and that made it worse. don't believe me? come and i'll show screenshots. I would have better if violet was here, wonder why shes not. oh. maybe because he liked to drag her down every change and then crawl back and beg for forgiveness in which she was nice. he taunted my best friend for not liking him back and no, that's just wrong. he constantly manipulated him to hate people and believe what he said. you think I'm a bad person but you don't know the whole story or the truth.


I'm proud of you.


this message may be offensive
I'm always pushed aside, lmao. I'll always be third for you, if I'm lucky! but that's cool. don't come at me saying you miss me when I'll be leaving for 3 months. fuck this. 


hi my name is cj and i'm super smart and my noggin holds so much creativity and i'm very kind and the best friend in the whole world and i'm secretly a big softie and love my friends with all of my heart and also i totally wasn't hacked right now and this is one hundred and ten percent written by me and me only.