
we’re back baby! with a new chapter and a new story!


I was tagged by the incredible @selcouth to share some facts about myself- so here are some fun tidbits of information. 
          1- My favourite movie is the Grand Budapest Hotel. I have never seen a movie that makes me feel as happy and at peace as this one. 
          2- I live in Canada! Born and raised, though when I was younger I moved here and there for a few months at a time for my Dad’s work. 
          3- When I graduate high school, I plan to study either film or theatre production. 
          4- When I first joined Wattpad I was reading more 5SOS fan fictions than I would like to admit
          5- I have a younger brother who’s twelve and the best thing in my life. 12/10 would die for that hype beast
          6- I’m actually obsessed with standup comedy. Give me a good John Mulaney bit any day of the week. 
          7- My favourite concert that I’ve been to was the Revolution Radio Green Day tour. I grew up listening to them and they had a huge impact on my music taste. Also, they sound better live than recorded. 
          8- I have absolutely no social skills, which I think may be evident. My anxiety tends to flare up when I talk to people that I’m not familiar with or that I admire, and that tends to get in the way of me making friends.
          9- My favourite animal is Canada’s majestic moose. I would die for them
          10- I’m bilingual! I speak both french and english, and I absolutely love the french language. C’est vrai que le français québécois est tellement différent que le français européen, et je croix que ces accents sont tellement folles. 
          Thank you for taking the time to read this, although I know that to most of you this isn’t interesting. And thank you again to @selcouth for tagging me and making me think about this. 


I’ve been working on my school musical nonstop for the past little while, and we’ve finally opened! Not only does this mean that people are seeing my work on stage, it also means that, since the show closes on Sunday, I’ll have time to write more, and catch up on my favourite stories. Thank you so much for your patience!


wattpad is so toxic lol. i’m not even a part of any of the drama and i’m so exhausted because of it! i follow literally eight accounts, and two of them are backup accounts. and even then, i’m exposed to drama! not because those people are creating drama, but because they’re being targeted. ugh, i hate wattpad