
@GucciTaeKook_ Yep....i actually enjoy a lot reading your stories,the characters,the storyline,the plot, everything on point .....your stories have that vibe which holds me forever and makes me your loyal reader.....i know it's kinda hard and sometimes it become hectic too.....but please just don't go again on a hiatus.....istg i really missed you and your books❤️
          I hope you are doing good...and if anything bothers you feel free to share with me if you're comfortable!! Always there for you ❤️


@GucciTaeKook_ Always there for someone like you who writes and depicts emotions soo well......you go girl you have my support  and yes don't bother yourself more.....I always read your notifications and I know you have a lot on your plate....just be happy and don't exert yourself much!!!! If you want to share something you can share with me even though we don't know each in person but yeah we belong to the same home i.e Purple Ocean & the same family i.e Army....so in all we are family!!! If you want you can share your problems with me.....I'm there for you!!!❤️ All the very best & have a good day!!


@GucciTaeKook_ Girl you are one of my favourite FanFiction writer!!! I love your writing style and specially how you depict each character soo deeply and smoothly and the aura your stories are used to held is on another level.....The msg your stories give whether it's social msg,relationship msg anything....in short I love your stories!!!! Keep going and I'm waiting for your update on Her Keeper,Kiss & Tell and Rising!!!


Thanks for adding my book TATTOOS & PIERCINGS to your reading list ❤️


@LouWritesNow Wishing you all the best!!!! Waiting for the update and I know it would be a hit!!!❤️


@bunnylove2000 the latest chapter went up a couple days ago and the next one should be up in a few hours! Fingers crossed I’m gunna finish the latest chapter in a little bit ❤️❤️❤️


@LouWritesNow No doubt Tattoos & Piercings is one of my Fav Jungkook FF♥️ waiting for your update on the same!!! It's been a long time now!‍♀️