
Hola long time no see:(
          	Langsung ke intinya aja ya? Jadi cerita aku yg spider girl harus di "STOP" bcs it's my really really old stories. Disana alur cerita totally ga  jelas, tanda baca yg acak acakan, bahasa ga jelas, dll. ( i'm at 6 class when write that story lol ) Jadi nnti aku bakalan bikin cerita baru ehehe. Ga tau kapan pastinya. 
          	Tapi, for my memories when i'm trying to write a story for the first time, cerita SG ga aku unpub okd wkwk.
          	Wait for my story yay!


Hola long time no see:(
          Langsung ke intinya aja ya? Jadi cerita aku yg spider girl harus di "STOP" bcs it's my really really old stories. Disana alur cerita totally ga  jelas, tanda baca yg acak acakan, bahasa ga jelas, dll. ( i'm at 6 class when write that story lol ) Jadi nnti aku bakalan bikin cerita baru ehehe. Ga tau kapan pastinya. 
          Tapi, for my memories when i'm trying to write a story for the first time, cerita SG ga aku unpub okd wkwk.
          Wait for my story yay!