
this message may be offensive
Fuck it. Turns out I write better when I'm stressed out.


this message may be offensive
Taking a break for a bit. Been going through some shit and can't continue this right now. I still intend to keep my promise and finish this this time around, but I just can't write right now. I'll be back soon. Thank you for understanding.


Just a little update. I am planning on posting the first part of "Ketch me as I fall" mid April. And after that point I will be trying to post a chapter a week again. I don't and can't promise I will stick to that, but I will absolutely try. Thank you for sticking around and I'll see you again in April.


So with completing "The Short Alternate Life of Elizabeth Castle" I will take a brief break. I never finished the first installment of the next part of the series and I want to have a clear head when I try to start it again. I aim to finish the series this time, but I need time to think things through fully and have a decent idea of what I want the end to be. I promise I'll be back soon and this work will not be abandoned. I'll see you soon for "Ketch Me as I Fall".


Hello! It's been a while since I've used this function of Wattpad. But I wanted to post just a small author's note. I am currently recovering from abdominal surgery and won't be able to sit at my desk to write properly for a week or so. Just wanted to let you all know in case the next chapter of Ketch Me if You Can is a little late. Thanks for reading!


Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey!!!!!! Just letting all my followers know about the Tumblr that Ash and I are running! It'll be the spot for sneak peeks at new chapters, reasons updates are late, and it's just a general place for us to get to know all of you easier and a way that we can spend more time answering your questions and just being us! I'm leaving the link here so you can go follow us if you want to haha.


Sorry about that false link guys! Here's the actual one:


Guys....I'm really sorry I haven't posted again.....I've just been.....I've been really out of it. I'll try better when I start feeling right again but I feel like I'm letting you guys down. I'm sorry. Hopefully you guys can forgive me.


Ok so I'm going to be writing again very soon but first I am going to do a Q/A and answer a lot of questions that I have gotten over the course of both Septiplier stories. I will be putting the usernames of each question asked next to the question so I hope a lot of you see your names ^-^