
Yo I was watching Ariana's snapchat and she was meeting fans and my eyes started to well up with tears like legit the if I ever meet her (God pls) I will cry so much you have no idea 


I love your icon and header!♡
          Jariana shipper!♡
          If you need a friend, you can count with me bae❤


btw I mean I have Walmart wifi lolol


Aww thank you  I'm so sorry I didn't answer earlier that Walmart wifi tho 


Guys I really need to let this out rn. 
          I just love Justin and Ariana so much like Ik it's crazy I don't even know them but they mean so much to me I just don't know what it is. Like I've loved Justin for so long and same goes for Ariana idk they .. Just ... I love them and there's just like a special place in my heart for them. I just know that the one day that I meet Justin or Ariana I am going to cry so much that I won't be able to take picture lol. I love them, beliebers  and arianators, they're my family, and I love them too  ♡