
Greetings faithful readers.
          	Woah, 100 followers? Am I dreaming. Thank you so much for the support guys. I'll try and get something out to celebrate this rare occasion. What would you guys like me to contuine/re-do? 


Greetings faithful readers.
          Woah, 100 followers? Am I dreaming. Thank you so much for the support guys. I'll try and get something out to celebrate this rare occasion. What would you guys like me to contuine/re-do? 


Greetings, faithful readers. As some of you have probably noticed, this account has not been active for the past year or so. I apologize for this, although it isn't without good reason. I have chosen to take over this account as my sister (now known as @Anomalous123) has created a new one. 
          She wanted a fresh start as her writing style has changed dramatically. I prompt you to go over and check out her stories for more content. We commonly work on projects now, so you shall be seeing a lot more of both of us. 
          I hope you all having a great day. 
          -Previous owners sister (Ghost76).


The link doesn't seem to be working, so here it is:


Woah, got to say that, when I abandoned these stories, I never thought they would get so popular. I feel so blessed right now.  
          I hope my sister is treating you guys alright? I know there have been a few incidents involving a few writers, but I have talked to her, so don't worry too much. 
          Anyway, for those how wondered why I haven't been active in a while, this is why. I have a new account. If you like, go over and check it out! Or, not... It's up to you.


@Anomalous123 Hi sis! Thanks again for letting me use your profile. I'm glad these people are still following you despite your inactivity. I hope I can keep them when I finally post something myself. 