
I really need to finish some prompts I have in my works more and actually publish what I write.  Hope to get a one-shot or two out in the next few weeks! (Depending on my mood and how much I can write, one of them may be GrayLu)


I really need to finish some prompts I have in my works more and actually publish what I write.  Hope to get a one-shot or two out in the next few weeks! (Depending on my mood and how much I can write, one of them may be GrayLu)


Oiiii I met you a long time ago! When I was first introduced to wattpad ^^


@browncabin Okie! ^^....Liek pm?


@Redhairedheir Sorry, but if you want to talk, just message me in my DM's!


You probably won't remember meh cause I changed meh profile pic ;-;


You should try to write more Fairy Tail stories (they could be one-shots). I really liked Once Upon a Moment ☺


@joannaeucliffe I am thinking of writing another one-shot sort of thing, based off the idea of a scene I saw in another show I watched recently.  I hope to get it out soon, but knowing me, it probably won't be as soon as I hope. It will be GrayLu, but not exactly.


Hello everyone! It's me! I want to write something, but I don't know what to write. I want you guys to tell me what you want to see, and I will maybe write it! Reply to this comment saying a ship, a prompt, or both (or anything else you want to see) you would like to see me write! In maybe a week or something, if I know what is (mostly for ships, but I will maybe try to research it), I will let all of you vote on what u want to see and first or top two choices will be written.


@browncabin Tratie, Nuna, Frazel, prompt- a fairy tale with a twist


Okay, guys! It's me again! I just wanted to tell you guys that if you want to have a cover made for you, my friend, @Phan_Peterick , will make you a cover and she isn't overloaded with cover suggestions yet so you will get noticed! There also isn't a price or payment for her to make you a cover!! I wasn't forced to do this but I have gotten a cover made by her and I am very happy with it and I just wanted to help her get more notice for it!