


Rawr says the dinosaur staring at your page! I miss you sooooo much Britt, you need to hurry up and baby, come back!!! ;p lol, I need your company again. I told you almost everything and it's hard to do that through text. As soon as something happened to me, I would tell you and Hailey about it and now I only see Hailey once or twice a day and I barely talk to anyone other than Sky anymore. But, yeah.. I miss you so much and I can't wait for you to come back! I still remember, I'm CapnKimmie!!! XD <3 lol, kay.. Bye best frand!;p


IF YOU'RE NOT A CHICKEN PUT THIS ON ANYBODY'S PROFILE THAT HAS MADE YOU SMILE AND SEE WHAT THEY RATE YOU!!!! (1) Crazy (2) I'd marry you. (3) I'd date you. (4) Sarcastic. (5) I miss you. (6) I'd kiss you. (7) Beautiful. (8) Smart. (9) Imaginative. (10) Random. (11) Jerk. (12) Funny. (13) awesome. (14) amazing. (15) tough. (16) cute. (17 I'd hit you with a bus. (18)I love you. (19) Weirdo. (20) Friends forever. (21) Marry me? (22) Your mine! (23) I never want to loose you