
Hey my lovely fans! I just updated Chapter 8 of DDCT :) Hope you like it! :) Chapter 9 is coming up soon :P


Happy New Year to all of my lovelies <3 I can't believe how many reads Dreams Do Come True has got and how many amazing fans have read it and followed me :) I promise (hopefully I'll keep it) to update Dreams Do Come True more :) I also can't believe how fast 2013 has gone by, I finished 2 semesters of college this year! That's craziness!!!! Anyway, Happy New Year and hope 2014 goes well for you lovelies <3 :)
          Love you all xxx


Hi to all of my wonderful fans!!! First of all topics that I have to talk about, I want to say that I love every single one of you!!! ♥ Today is a special day for me and I have all of you to thank for it! :) This time a year ago, I made an account on here and posted my first fanfic ever! That fanfic now has...333 READS, 14 VOTES AND 12 COMMENTS!!!!!!! That is complete madness, I never thought in a million years that a story that I never ever thought of posted on a website where the whole world could see it would get that big (I know that's not as big as other books but it's big to me)
          Second topic, I was going to treat you lovelies with not 1 but 2 new chapters of DDCT but I didn't :( I know I suck, feel free to throw rotten fruit at me! But I have a reason for not update...well it's not the greatest excuse but I still have an excuse. Anyway, I have been out since May for the summer and I was planning to write more but every time I went to write, I couldn't think of what to write...anyway, that's not a good excuse either. Anyway, getting off topic I'm leaving today to go to England for 3 weeks and so I have been planning for that and trying to pack (I'm still packing :/) It's torture! I never thought packing for England for 3 weeks would be so hard! Anyway, so I'll try my best to write some more and update but my source of WiFi is limited so I might finish writing a chapter but I might not update until I got back :)
          Third topic, I would like to thank again all of you wonderful fans! I would like to also thank a few of the friends I have made on here, Amelia, Morgan, Donna, Caroline, Abbie (my first fans of my story), Kat, Rebecca, Var, El and I know there are more of you but I'm pooped, I've been up since 8:30am yesterday morning!
          And that's all I wanted to say, I love you all and I'll write and update when I can :) Thanks again lovelies! xx
          P.S. I know it's not the 13th anymore :P 


I think I'll treat you lovelies ♥ to a new chapter of Dreams Do Come True, I'm in love with my best friend and Beauty and the Beat :) I'll try to at least! :D I have 49 fans and I love every one of you ♥ Okay thanks lovelies! And keep a watch out for any updates from me :D