
Released Part II for Murderous Reflection. Was limited in houw many words I could use on the assignment. Now that this little collection is no longer school assignments at random, I can write how much I want. There will be a Part III. Feel free to message if you have any ideas for me to incorporate. I will give you credit for your help.


Tbh, i did actually like hanging around you, you're fun to be with


@BriNicoleDovely sure. I have nothing else going on. :)


@Brezzylove05 did u wanna go to the mall on sunday with me and some of my friends?


Awww... thats so cute. Im sorry we havent spoken, i have been busy with work and everything else. 


@BriNicoleDovely do you still see me as a sister like you did awhile back?


@BriNicoleDovely it's fine. Been busy as well with work and baby stuff


Released Part II for Murderous Reflection. Was limited in houw many words I could use on the assignment. Now that this little collection is no longer school assignments at random, I can write how much I want. There will be a Part III. Feel free to message if you have any ideas for me to incorporate. I will give you credit for your help.


Okay so definitely haven't updated in a while. It's time to change that. Gonna start by getting rid of a few things then editing "The Emo's L Word" and finishing that. We'll see where the world of writing takes me from there. 


I will be deactivating this account within the next 2 weeks and creating a new one. Most of my current writing will be under the new account only under a different name and I will be updating more often than I do on this one. It is time to start fresh. I will send my current followers the info for the new account when I have it set up before deactivating this one as well as those I am following. Thank you to all my supporters and I hope to see most of you in the next chapter of my life.


I apologize to anyone that actually reads my work for not updating. Its been difficult and I was going to start updating again last weekend when something came up that is explain in the latest update of "Broken". I hope to be posting more. Thank you to those that continue to read my work. It means a lot.