
          	The re-written version of Papers for Roses is completed. :)
          	I must say that I'm loving this version more than the previous one. I hope you guys will love it too! <3


@breannejay ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


It's me again, @/speedocks! Just want to let you guys know that I changed my username to my somewhat real name, Breanne Jay, so it would be consistent with my other accounts. 
          Also some book updates!
          - All my books are still flagged so I'm still in an endless void of anxiety. :// 
          - Will take down Papers for Roses some time in the next month, but will be quickly republished in 1st person POV because I think it turned out better and more readable. If you wanna read it now, you can check it out on Inkitt. It's halfway done in there. Link on my profile!
          - Filthy Storm is 60% done. I might publish the chapters all at once in June or July! I'm super excited for you guys to read the completed book. I've never been this excited for something I wrote before. Most of the time, it's me being sad and a grumbling-monster for being not as good as my favorite authors haha tho I'm still not, but I hope you'll love it too!
          - My next book which I plan to publish on August is a modern, Werewolf dark romance. I've been working on this since January and couldn't wait to start focusing on it. :D 
          Thank you guys for the continuous support on my books! I'm in awe that I still have you on Filthy Storm and my other books interacting and commenting when WP shunned my books from the rest of the app LOL. Love you all <3


@cloudsinbay i am!! hope you're too!! it's been a long time!


@breannejay hiii love. Hope you are doing well!


Hello everyone,
          As it turns out, my two books 'Papers for Roses' and 'Filthy Storm' were flagged by Wattpad's rogue AI. Currently, they are not searchable unless you look in my profile or someone's reading list with them in it. It's been like that for a week now but I guess all can do is wait until it gets fixed. 
          For now, I created an account on Inkitt. I’m going to post an edited version of ‘Papers for Roses’ in first-person POV in there. I believe it’s more in-depth, more mature, more carefully thought-out than my version in here. It will be updated daily.
          You can check it out on my profile: @breannejay
          ‘Filthy Storm’ will still be updated weekly as planned. If anything happens, I’ll have it posted on Inkitt also but for now, it’s there.
          Also ‘Tetris in Red’ is getting some recognition, now #2 and #4 in two popular ranks out of hundred thousands stories. That’s lit! 
          I’m always grateful for everyone’s support. You keep my writer’s passion burning. Thank you for being here. ❤


@McAlister8219 you're always too kind, i'm not sure how else I can thank you enough for your support <3


@speedocks downloading inkitt now. 
            Thank you for blessing us with your writer's brain.


I'm having this intrusive thought about whether I should edit 'Papers for Roses' again LOL


@TheSmileMaker I agree with youuuu, it reminded me of the saying our perspective can change, but not the words written in a book. I hope you'll get the inspiration you need to continue your book!!


@speedocks A lot changes in four years. Even I wanted to rewrite my book now, but only when time permits. Not being perfect is a statement of obviousness, for we are born with fairly blank brains to mature and grow. So let's write things to perfection : ) 


@TheSmileMaker It really is! I just feel like some of the things I wrote there isn't something that's 'me' now. Thank you!


My giiiirrrrrrrlll. I have been waiting patiently. I'm so glad you're back. ❤️ I've had "filthy storm" in my library and checking it every so often in case I miss notifications. I loved your other two books, and I love the current one. I hope there's more to come when you get the chance. Sending thoughts and love your way. ❤️


@speedocks absolutely! Take your time, no sense in burning yourself out. Especially when it's something you love. There's nothing for you to doubt, btw! Your writing was impeccable then, as it is now too. ❤️ you'll always have a follower with me. 


@McAlister8219 Helloo ,omg!! I am so sorry, I must have missed your message in my notification! Thank you so so much for letting me know this! It's been a long time and I'm having extreme doubts about my writing. You just gave me the boost of confidence I need T^T <3 I hope as I update along, it will be worth the wait!! <3


Hey, my friend! How are you?


Hii, Jen!! It's been a long time. I am so sorry for the super late reply. I've been busy with a lot of things after the pandemic, but now I'm looking at reconnecting in this app and make new stories this year. How about youuu? I'm sure it has been eventful there as well! :D Happy New Year!