
this message may be offensive
wow. So we're back where it all started. 2017. i made this account 6 or so years ago. im a (mostly) grown man now. its.... weird, seeing it all. I don't remember most of these writings. 
          	Pfft, okay, lets drop the bullshit fancy talk. this account is a fever dream. i honestly cant tell if i was serious when i wrote any of this. I was like 12-13 when i started this account, and the fact that i was just allowed to write this crap unsupervised as a child is fucked, but my god was it fun. i don't write much anymore (how sad is it that my writing 'career' peaked with wattpad of all things. But i digress.) I work full time, dropped out of school. I fuck around and make chatbots now mostly. 
          	honestly i just wanted to scream into the void, for old times sake, and give a life update. 
          	-feil/MARK(/Evan) out.


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wow. So we're back where it all started. 2017. i made this account 6 or so years ago. im a (mostly) grown man now. its.... weird, seeing it all. I don't remember most of these writings. 
          Pfft, okay, lets drop the bullshit fancy talk. this account is a fever dream. i honestly cant tell if i was serious when i wrote any of this. I was like 12-13 when i started this account, and the fact that i was just allowed to write this crap unsupervised as a child is fucked, but my god was it fun. i don't write much anymore (how sad is it that my writing 'career' peaked with wattpad of all things. But i digress.) I work full time, dropped out of school. I fuck around and make chatbots now mostly. 
          honestly i just wanted to scream into the void, for old times sake, and give a life update. 
          -feil/MARK(/Evan) out.


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so i've been thinking of a lil au that i may eventually write
          So in underlust, theres the big 'infertility, no babies' issue. So it got me thinking of a neat little au. First, lust finds out about aus and shit, starts looking for help to deal with his universe's problem with the big horny. After that is somehow dealt with, Lust and his brother start going around to different aus and bringing home a bunch of orphans for families that want children, and being given the title of 'the royal storks'.


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Bro, one of you people should write some Fell!Poth smut with rurik/fell palette as the sub-
          Or send me some sub! Rurik shit! Caus elets be real. Goth is the son of LITERAL DEATH. You really think he'd let rurik go and push him around? I wanna see rurik getting fucking *pounded*


            Oooooooooo.  Ok ok I see you. I'll try smth soon.


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@glitchy_error_sansy i mean, it don't have to be lemon. Him being pounded could also be goth beating the ever loving fuck out of him for screwing around with other people lmao-


Bhkigdrkoj Instagram wont let ne in rn.




All my other books will be on hold. Sorry if you requested something and it hasn't been finished. I will possibly continue them sometime before christmas. I dont write often seeing as im on my phone to write this. And i have limited access to a computer to write.