
Shalom Bbbys, 
          	So I've been MIA since the start of this year. I've been really busy with life - exams, competitions, school in general. I know, I'm really sorry, I've seen all the messages to update Off-Limits and I promise you that once I'm done with exams, it's full concentration on that book.
          	I love and miss you all, but your girl's coming back!


Shalom Bbbys, 
          So I've been MIA since the start of this year. I've been really busy with life - exams, competitions, school in general. I know, I'm really sorry, I've seen all the messages to update Off-Limits and I promise you that once I'm done with exams, it's full concentration on that book.
          I love and miss you all, but your girl's coming back!